You can help support our mission. We show you six ways how, but be creative and find more! Feel free to contact us and share your thoughts.
- Spread the word!
- Finance our mission
- Transfer your AIRMILES
- FLYING? Help us save for free tickets
- Become a volunteer
- Help create a just, clean world
1. Spread the word!
Pass our name to the potentially interested friends, colleagues or anybody you can think of. Start discussion groups in your local communities, spread our message in schools, libraries and theatres. We can send you additional information, folders and copies of the previous magazines, or you can download them from the site.
2. Finance our mission
KAMBISA!BeHeard! is recognized as a lawfull beneficial organization and has the official ANBI status, which provides certain tax exemptions. Kambisa’s ANBi number is 815908921. Donations can be made via Paypal or on IBAN NL58INGB0001003314 on behalf of Stichting Kambisa!BeHeard in the Hague, registered at the Chambre of Commerce in the Hague under number 272281471.
You can read our constitution online. If you wish your donation to go to a specific part of our mission, please indicate so at the space for remarks on the transfer note, together with your contact details. If for any reason we are unable to assign your money accordingly, we will get in touch.
3. Transfer your AIRMILES
Transfer your airmiles to Kambisa!’s airmiles account number 459224549
4. FLYING? Help us save for free tickets
Mention BlueBiz number NL13001 when you book a flight with KLM, AirFrance, Delta, Jet Airways, China Eastern or China Southern. This way, you help Kambisa! save for free tickets.
5. Become a volunteer
At the moment, our main branch in the Netherlands is in need of an enthousiastic marketeer, a fundraiser and a certified accountant. Our Zambian branch is looking for a marketeer, people who know how to fix sustainable energy and a carpenter. If you have other skills to offer, in Holland or in Zambia, please get in touch!
6. Help create a just, clean world
KAMBISA!BeHeard. is built of people, and people rely on plants. Just by buying local, sustainable goods which are made with respect for the planet and those who depend on it, you help us all. Please live green, and share your thoughts, inventions and data, so we can all grow together.
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