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What is Kambisa!ExChange
With Kambisa!ExChange we facilitate the exchange of knowledge between people, letting students and professionals from the Netherlands participate in our projects in Zambia.
Why do we do this
People can learn a lot from each other. Not just within their own school or community, but also when they travel to other countries and experience different cultures and mindsets. Especially when they do not just go there for a holiday, but actually work together with local people on and equal basis.
We believe this is not a one way process, where people in developing countries learn from Dutch experts. Just as much, if not more, it works the other way around. People from the Netherlands can learn a great deal from Zambians, challenging their world views and looking critically at the ways they are used to do things.
Results so far
Having been composed of people coming from all corners of the world from our very beginnings, in practice Kambisa! has always been an ‘ExChange-organisation’. In 2002, we started as a magazine combining Dutch & Zambian audiences, made by Zambians and a Dutch journalist living in Zambia. Soon after, our board was joined by a Norwegian and a number of Zambian thinkers & artists moving between different countries, in- and outside of the region.
In 2007, we did our first film project involving three Dutch film makers – Jorrit Meulenbeek, Dienke Vos & Iris Weerd – who came to Zambia to help produce our first full documentaries, realising the of aspiring Zambian documentary makers. Their efforts resulted in three documentaries – Transit, Independent Living & Sing Our Own Song – which were released on DVD, introducing both Zambian & foreign audiences with alternative reflections than the well known stories of the big media channels.
In 2009, we invited 12 Dutch MBO & HBO students for the first big Kambisa!ExChange project which was named as such, funded by the Xplore programme of the Dutch ministry of foreign affairs. Twelve Dutch students travelled to Zambia to volunteer for our projects OnScreen, OnStage and Online. They worked together intensively with local youth for a period between six and ten weeks.
You can read more about the projects in their own sections. For personal experiences of the ExChange students, read their blogs in the blog section. (link)
Take part
Interested to gain work experience or do your internship in Zambia with one of the Kambisa! projects? Feel free to contact us and discuss the possibilities.
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Wat is Kambisa!ExChange
Met de workshop Kambisa!ExChange bevorderen we de uitwisseling van kennis tussen mensen, door vrijwilligers, studenten en professionals uit Nederland mee te laten draaien in onze projecten in Zambia.
Waarom we dit doen
Mensen kunnen veel van elkaar leren. Niet alleen binnen hun eigen school of omgeving, maar vooral als ze naar andere landen reizen en andere culturen en zienswijzen leren kennen. Dit werkt het best als ze niet alleen op vakantie zijn, maar echt samenwerken met lokale mensen, op een gelijkwaardige basis.
Dit is geen eenrichtingsverkeer, waarbij mensen in ontwikkelingslanden leren van Nederlandse experts. Het werkt net zo goed de andere kant op. Nederlanders kunnen veel leren van Zambianen en worden uitgedaagd om kritisch te kijken naar de manier waarop ze zelf gewend zijn om dingen te doen.
Doe mee
Interesse om je stage te doen in Zambia, bij een van de Kambisa!-projecten? Neem contact op, dan kunnen we samen kijken naar de mogelijkheden.