Early 2012 Kambisa! organized a workshop at the catholic primary school ‘t Schrijverke in Zoetermeer. During 4 sessions a group of children were taught the ins and outs of the craft of journalism. To include the social aspect a so called “Bully Journal” was made with a group of enthusiastic pupils. In close dialogue with these future journalists the contents of the paper was determined, whereupon they went to work with a contagious enthusiasm. After the workshop interview techniques they brought the things they learned into practice by interviewen neighbours about their experiences with bullying. By doing so, the connection of the neighbourhood with the school was improved at the same time.
After a period of interviewing and working hard on the textual contents of this Bully Journal, the eleven participants of the extensive workshop gathered in the music room on wednesday the 15th of january for the final editing meeting. During this exciting and stressful morning the last choices were made. To conclude an exciting period for the pupils a group photo was made. Subsequently it was the job of Kambisa! to transform the excellent and creative work of the participants into a great product.
‘t Schrijverke has experienced the cooperation with Kambisa!BeHeard as very positive. The pupils learned to take interviews, they have composed a newspaper and the project resulted in a lovely exposition. All in all this resulted in the fact that the school looked back with positive feelings on the result of this project Bullying.
The pupils themselves also experienced the project as positive.
“I found it very interesting to hear from people you don’t know what they think about bullying” according to participant Rima. “Putting the newspaper together was fun. I enjoyed the atmosphere and it was very educational.” Britney adds to say: “Interviewing was fun, compiling the newspaper was even more fun. The result is terrific and we received a lot of compliments. You don’t do this very often and that is why it is so much fun.”
Curious to the result of this journalistic project?
Corrie Baas, director BSO ‘t Schrijverke: Within ‘t Schrijverke the cooperation with Kambisa was experienced as very positive. The project Bullying has been carried out within the whole neighbourhood. A group of pupils has learned to take interviews on this subject and learned how to put a newspaper together. The newspaper has been presented to all pupils and parents of ’t Schrijverke. The project has been concluded with an exposition made by pupils under the guidance of Klaartje Jaspers from Kambisa.
pupil Rima, I thought it was fun to hear from persons you don’t know what they thought about bullying. Putting the newspaper together was fun. We held meetings and decided what should be in the paper. I enjoyed the atmosphere and it was very educational. In the newspaper you use difficult words and you learn a lot from that. The people I interviewed wanted to have the newspaper as soon as it was ready.
pupil Britney: Interviewing was fun, compiling the the newspaper was even more fun. You could decide on your own with your group. The result is terrific and we received a lot of compliments. You don’t do this very often and that is why it is so much fun. Klaartje could explain it very well and help us how to do it. She kon ons goed uitleggen en helpen hoe het moest. She really did her best, thank you for that.